April 13, 2023



This week, a seed of opportunity can be planted. A friend could accidentally reveal their true intentions. Aries, you might have an opportunity to view this person’s shadow side. They might not be happy to be unmasked in front of you. It’s up to you to decide whether this revelation is going to affect your friendship. You could feel a surge of ambition. Now you can sail over any obstacle. No block will impede you. If only this energy lasted for more than one day! When you’re seized by a sudden desire to take action, know that you won’t necessarily feel this way tomorrow. Aries, this is the epitome of striking while the iron is hot.




You’re making new plans for something great. You could be ready to transform the way you handle money. This might be because of a recent spending spree. You might look at your purchases (some of them nonreturnable) and wonder what possessed you to spend so much. You have the willpower today to make a profound change in your relationship with money. You could see each dollar as a potential generator of passive income. Today, you could get on the road to building a fortune. It might feel like a guardian angel is really watching out for you. You could find that the nonreturnable item is indeed returnable, or that a sudden windfall will help keep you afloat. You can also use this energy to manifest something quite positive with regard to a job or living situation. This is a good day for praying, meditating, and calling on a higher power for help.




You gain a new understanding of something important. One new idea can change how you see the world. You might get this idea from a book you read, a video you watch, or dialogue in a movie. In neurolinguistic programming, this is called a “reframe.” How you see the world has changed and now you see things differently. Gemini, you could have an eye-opening experience today.You might have a sudden desire to join a group of like-minded people. You could actively be looking to connect with members of the group almost immediately. And as social as you are, you can quickly make some useful connections.




Obstacles are disappearing. The things that were stopping you even as recently as yesterday now seem to dissolve. Hesitation you felt and even the blocks others were imposing now seem to be made of air. Cancer, you can easily break through. Today, it’s good to review what you thought were limitations and see them disappear one by one as though they’re made of smoke.You could receive an opportunity to schedule an interview or perhaps a job offer. At your current job, your supervisor could take you aside and tell you about a new position opening up. Or you might apply to work in a different department with a much better team. If you own a business, you could see an opportunity to gain some name recognition.




You’re getting a helping hand. When you need help, you can find a friend who will step up to give you a hand. Leo, this is taking place because you’re asking for help (and Pluto is transforming your friendship). This is a time when you need to allow someone to see that you have vulnerable moments. And rather than this individual seeing you as weak, your relationship will be strengthened.You could have big plans, bigger than you’ve had in a very long time. Suddenly you see how it can all work out. Leo, you don’t have to do things alone. Once you master the art of asking for help and opening your arms to receive, nothing will stop you. And this could lead to an amazing adventure.




You’re stepping into the sunlight.You might not like to be seen, so perhaps you keep a low profile on social media. It’s possible, even on company video calls, that you never turn on your camera. Virgo, this is a good time to change that. Gifts from the Universe need to find you somehow. Today, consider coming out of hiding so you can be seen.Because you’re stepping into the sunlight, it’s quite possible a windfall could find you. Perhaps someone has been searching for you to give you a gift. Virgo, it’s possible you can get a job interview or job offer that is substantially better than what you have at the moment. Today, you can get more followers, fans, and likes.




You’re looking for adventure. You could decide that you don’t want to stay home any more. After months or maybe years of sticking close to home, you’re ready for a new adventure. Libra, this could cause you to review your life choices in a very real way.Telling a friend or your partner about your desire to branch out in the world is met with a resounding “yes.” Libra, this person is ready to jump on the train with you. They’re already packed and ready to go. They aren’t just supporting you; they’re also pushing you out the door.




You’re inspired to take the road to wealth. You might be quite focused on creating some passive income. This could mean that you’re investing in dividend stocks or building a business. This interest in investing could change the way you spend money as well as your attitude about finances in general. Scorpio, you might get up a little earlier so you can work on a business idea. Or you might take your lunch to work so you don’t have the expense of eating out. You might see how small changes made every day can add up to a massive change in your life.




Something could rock your world. You could meet someone who rocks your world. Sagittarius, it’s possible that this is a potential dating partner, and the chemistry between the two of you causes passionate, almost obsessive, thoughts. But it’s also possible that this is someone who opens your mind to new possibilities. They can change your world because they can show you what you can do differently.Sagittarius, you could get so excited about new possibilities that you’re ready to sail into action. You might voraciously read articles and consume videos on the topic. You might sign up for a self-study course and go through half of it before the day is done. You feel unstoppable.




You’re ready to take on challenges. You could realize that your routines (or lack thereof) are causing issues in your life. You might notice that you need a better routine for prepping meals. Or that staying up too late makes the mornings more difficult. Or that your internal dialogue is draining your confidence. Now you can make small changes that bring great results.You carry energy from your family line. It’s possible you just found out that one of your ancestors did something extraordinary. They defied all odds to make it through a war, famine, or oppression, and that energy runs through your veins. Capricorn, you might feel more connected to all your ancestors going back through time. And now you feel their support, love, and all their experience beating in your heart.




Something wonderful is blossoming. You could meet someone who makes you tingle all over. It’s possible that you and your current partner have entered a new phase of your relationship in which you’re open and vulnerable and exploring your passions together. Aquarius, you and your partner could be entering a garden of sensual delights. Your brain might be exploding with new ideas. Aquarius, you might have found some of these in books or been inspired by movies. Now you have the ambition to try them all. And because these are ideas, they aren’t limited by any external gatekeepers. You are free to imagine and try something new. Today, don’t just think about the possibilities; ask yourself what you could do today to manifest this new concept.




You’re breaking free of a family pattern. You could have a very strong desire to break free of family patterns. Pisces, you might recognize that you can go a different way than your parents did. You might realize you’ve done many things in the past just to please your family and friends. Now you discover that you have some family members who completely support you in making a change.You could receive a windfall. This could be money or access to invaluable help. This is coming to help you free yourself from an old model you’ve been stuck in. This energy is coming to boost your ambition. Pisces, take a few minutes today and visualize what would be most helpful to you.

Category: Arts & Culture