April 06, 2023



This week, you’re making your world a little more comfortable. Mercury in Taurus and your house of money squares Pluto in Aquarius and your house of big, audacious ideas. You might be ready to throw some money at a project that is your heart’s desire. This could be to buy some equipment, hire a coach, or invest in the training you need. Aries, you might feel you have to spend money to make money, so now you have your credit card out and ready.Aries, if you’re engaged in some sort of physical activity, you might shoot a video of what you’re doing so you can see yourself from a different perspective. You could give your writing to an editor for review. Or you might have an accountant look over your finances.




Your connections bring opportunities.You might hear of some changes in your job. Taurus, your company could be going through some major adjustments, but you’re in a strong position. This is a good time to make connections with management but also consider posting your resume. An opportunity could come from outside the company. The community can come to your assistance. You might reach out to talk to former colleagues or members of a professional organization you belong to. You have a lot of resources now even if you’re reluctant to use them.




Messages are coming in loud and clear. You could have a very interesting dream or vision. Gemini, you might see your future in great detail. You could receive a divine message. As you’re reading through a sacred text, what you need to do next could become very clear.You might be handed extra responsibilities. Gemini, your supervisor could see great potential in you, but first you’ll be tested. You might inherit a big project that someone else has mismanaged. Or you could be given a team of people who don’t get along with each other. You have the ability to make this work, but you’ll have to step up to the plate and really swing at the ball.




You could make a great connection.Even though you might like your job, the benefits could leave something to be desired, and this could cause you to consider looking elsewhere. Cancer, it’s possible that you’re an independent contractor, so you can easily consider other offers. And by putting out some feelers, you might find that your talents are in high demand. If you’re in school, you could be a shining star now. Cancer, you might do very well on a task or get an A+ on some homework, but more importantly, you really grasp the curriculum. If you’re not in school, you could be tutoring a family member.




You could make the impossible occur. Someone you know might suggest a travel destination. It’s likely you want to go, but the question is how to swing it. Leo, it isn’t necessarily something you have planned or budgeted for, but it could be an opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime. You might have to get creative to make this happen.Leo, it might be possible to fund the trip you were considering a couple days ago, or you could just be trying to put yourself on the road to financial freedom. You could meet with your broker to discuss opportunities or your banker to look at a bill consolidation loan. You could get this under control today and be celebrating tomorrow.




This week, a beneficial partnership can form. You could recognize that you’re in charge, and you might find a way to change an ingrained habit. A sudden realization about why you’re doing something could lead you to make a big change. Or you might adopt some habit-stacking techniques that set you on a positive new trajectory.Virgo, you and your sweetheart might be talking about getting more serious in your relationship. You might start to see each other exclusively, even changing your status on social media. It’s possible you’re talking about moving in together or sharing some financial obligations like buying property. And for some Virgo natives, you might decide to make the leap and get engaged.




You might have adventure and romance. You might be looking to roll the dice on an investment. Libra, this could be something quite new to you. It could involve a franchise, buying a business, or a new type of investment. It might challenge your risk tolerance to even consider this opportunity. Don’t leave this decision to a coin toss. It’s time to study your options.You are the captain of your ship, and you’re able to steer your boat in a new direction. Libra, this combination gives you the insight to see how you might be sabotaging yourself or getting in your own way. Suddenly, the obstacle that’s been in your path dissolves before your eyes. You’re able to go in a new direction today.




You’re showing off your abilities. Scorpio, you might be discussing the very important idea of living together with another person. You might talk about how much this would transform your lives and the relationship itself. Will your cat get along with their dog? Will your sofa fit with their furniture? Where will you put their kayak? You could be looking at how living with someone would change (and benefit) your life. You have an opportunity here to show off what you can do. Perhaps a gallery is showing your art. Scorpio, you might be playing your music on stage. You could post a video online in which you’re reading your work at a local poetry slam. Today is a good day to bravely show off your talent.




You’re balancing caring for others with caring for yourself. You could be very serious about improving your physical abilities. You might have goals of increased mobility, flexibility, and strength. Perhaps you have hired a personal trainer or bought a membership at a local gym. Sagittarius, you’re ready to transform yourself through working out.You might come together with family members to discuss a situation with an older relative. A sibling could come to you for advice on dealing with a parent. Or you might help an older relative downsize into a small condo overlooking a golf course (which means helping them get rid of some of the material possessions they’ve accumulated).




Negotiation is the key to getting what you want. You might spend some money on something that’s really fun. Capricorn, you could get a new gadget, but it’s more likely you’re investing in an experience. It’s possible that you’re buying plane tickets for a vacation or securing a rental that’s a treehouse or train car. Today, you’re putting some money to good use.Capricorn, the contract you’ve been waiting for could show up. And now you have the opportunity to go over it line by line to see if everything is in order. You’d prefer to just sign it and forget it, but if something isn’t to your liking, do the hard thing and ask for what you want.




A big change leads to wonderful possibilities.There could be a major change at home. You might decide that you’re going to move. Perhaps it won’t happen right away, but you might shift away from the idea of staying here forever to now leaving at some point in the future. Or you could receive a sign from the Universe that you have a limited amount of time left in this apartment.This is a good time to put your finances in order. Aquarius, you might be doing this ahead of paying your taxes, or you could be inspired to be a better steward of your funds. You might put all your expenses in a spreadsheet, track your purchases, and look at the rates of return you’re getting from investments. All this effort can make you feel like an adult.




You’re turning over a new leaf. You might decide that you’re going to think differently. Pisces, you could give up watching the news and only look for happy, positive stories. Or you might turn inward and focus your own thoughts on what is uplifting and encouraging. As you purge yourself of negativity, you can feel better and more able to accomplish what you want in your life.You might be singled out for a new opportunity. This could come with some responsibility, but you’re seen as the right person for the job. This could be a promotion or a chance to lead a team. Or you might take on some additional obligations when you get a new pet.


Category: Arts & Culture