August 13, 2020


MAR 21 - APR 19

It might be tough to focus on work when you want to get out and enjoy time with loved ones, friends, or a significant other. You’re extra-excitable and want to take life by the horns… giving you an extra burst of patience and stick-to-itiveness to complete tasks that would otherwise frustrate you. In fact, you could come off as so centered that others gravitate to you for advice, and higher-ups applaud your strength and clear judgment.  



APR 20 - MAY 20

You’ll want to put your nose to the grindstone to explore and broaden your horizons in a way that expands your mind and sets the stage for career advancement. Consider taking a new online course or revisit old courses of study that you enjoyed tremendously… stirring you to reflect and reassess ways in which you want to shake things up and strike out against the status quo of your life and the world. If it’s time to shift your personal goals in a whole new direction, this period of time is ripe for mulling over what that might look like and action steps to take in the future. 



MAY 21 - JUN 20

Doing some soul searching about how you might want to switch gears with how you’re healing old wounds. You might find that it’s easier to find a sense of calm mentally and can turn your focus to deep-rooted goals for spiritual growth. Then, working with colleagues, friends, neighbors or other associates comes naturally. You’ll be a shining, beaming, self-assured star who everyone wants to learn and discuss particulars with. Head up brainstorms and take calculated risks. As long as you have the facts at hand, you’ll be right on track.  



JUN 21 - JUL 22

Your wheels will start to turn as you start reflecting on the ways you’re relating to others and collaborating with colleagues. You might realize that working with different groups or making new friendships would be more fulfilling. No need to make your moves just yet. This is simply a key time for reflection.  You could be called on to step into the spotlight on the job. You’ll be fired up and ready to make an impression on higher-ups. Being bold can lead to well-deserved recognition and rewards.



JUL 23 - AUG 22

You might feel fired up about a work project but also somewhat wired and overly excitable. It wouldn’t be surprising if you struggle to figure out exactly what you want to say, as this nervous tension is rushing through your veins, making it hard to concentrate. If you feel like you’re getting unnecessarily worked up, make sure to take a step back from the task at hand and take a moment to breathe. Taking action comes even more organically than usual, as does speaking your mind and taking the initiative on any mental, intellectual work.



AUG 23 - SEP 22

You might want to reassess how you’re finding opportunities to continually learn and foster personal growth. Meditating on this could lead you down a new path that allows you to switch up your perspective on the world. You’ll also do well to be open to ideas from other people and sources than you usually rely on. You might be feeling especially self-assured in your deepest, most burning desires and emotions. Figuring out what you want and how you want to express that to your lover or someone special can be downright enlivening. 



SEP 23 - OCT 22

You’ll be feeling centered in your feelings and capable of hashing out any kind of tough situation with loved ones. If you’ve been meaning to have what you anticipate to be a challenging heart-to-heart, this could be a beneficial day to initiate that conversation. By putting it a little extra work and tender care, you could reach a healing resolution… urging you to think about how you’re relating on the most intimate physical and emotional level. If a particular bond doesn’t feel necessarily reciprocal, it could be time to reassess whether it’s worth your investment of time and energy.



OCT 23 - NOV 21

You could be compelled to reflect on relationships that are no longer serving you and fulfilling you emotionally. If you feel limited and repressed in any way, it might be time to walk away. 
Then, you can tackle everyday to-dos while vying for a promotion, more responsibility, or another type of career advancement. Your confidence and get-up-and-go energy are on another level, and colleagues and higher-ups are sure to be impressed and eager to work with you.



NOV 22 - DEC 21

You could be aggravated if it feels like your plays for joy and creativity are quashed by the powers that be. If you’ve been gunning to take the reins on a creative project or feeling like your artistic impulses have been repressed, you might feel like acting out in defense of your needs. This moment could be a test, nudging you to figure out how you can achieve your goals in a more measured way.  You might feel like your voice and efforts to make it heard are finally being recognized and rewarded.  



DEC 22 - JAN 19

You might find the time is right to buckle down and have a deep, meaningful heart-to-heart with someone special or carve out time to be there for a loved one in need. You can bring your wisdom and knowledge from the past to the table and find an emotionally gratifying way forward for everyone involved. You might want to rethink how you’re expressing yourself creatively. If carving out more time to play and have fun in your work and in your life feels necessary, you might want to switch up your priorities. 



JAN 20 - FEB 18

You might be in the beginning stages of changing your perspective on how you’re relating to family and what constitutes home. If you’re feeling like major changes are afoot, take a deep breath and dive into a journaling exercise or therapy session. Allowing yourself to explore your options without the pressure of having to make a shift right now can be freeing. Connecting with a colleague, close friend, or significant other on a major joint project can happen easily and make for a particularly productive moment.



FEB 19 - MAR 20

Your sensitivity and work ethic make you the perfect referee for any conflicts that might be happening with colleagues or friends. And then, it could feel easier than usual to find small, effective ways to be even more productive, balance your home and work, and pursue your most winning moneymaking ideas. You’ll be fired up and motivated, while also feeling mentally sharp and compelled to discuss your exciting game plans. Go for it! 


Category: Arts & Culture