July 07, 2022 



Although you usually love being in the spotlight and running the show, you’ll be more content to enjoy a lower-key vibe of life as the week begins. This marks a period for rest and reflection, allowing you to meditate on your greatest desires and get clear on the best game plan for making them concrete. Processing emotions through journaling or therapy can be especially beneficial now. Later, the cosmos encourages you to commit to more than you can reasonably handle on the job, perhaps as a result of wanting to please colleagues or friends. Check in with your intuition before saying yes. 




As the week starts, the Universe turns up the volume on your need to get out of your comfort zone. You might want to take a risk like performing at an improv club or planning an impromptu trip. Either way, owning what makes you unique, and maybe even a bit quirky, can feel empowering and enlivening. Later, if you’ve been wanting to initiate a team project or work with others in your community toward a shared goal, you’ll have a special opportunity to hit the ground running. Connections you make through the experience can help you feel supported and inspired.  




You’ll be feeling fortunate, confident, and centered in your deepest feelings for someone special at the beginning of the week. Opening up about your desires and fantasies can take your intimacy to the next level. Later, if you’ve been dreaming about starting a new chapter of your professional path, you have a sweet opportunity to make a move in that direction. Calling a meeting with higher-ups to discuss your long-term vision or chatting with a dear friend to map out your game plan for achieving a lifelong goal can be a powerful first step. When the time comes to embrace the spotlight, you’ll be beyond prepared. 




You might find yourself feeling like you need to break out of your daily routine and experience something new and eye-opening as the week starts. It could be a wise time to sign up for a class related to your business or for pleasure. For instance, you could begin learning a foreign language to prepare for a work trip or a long-distance vacation. Later, you’ll have a burst of positive, happy energy that you want to share with your significant other or a dear friend. Getting out and enjoying a spirited activity together can boost your bond in a heartwarming way. 




When the week gets underway, you have an opportunity to add more joy to your daily health routine. If there’s a workout class or treatment you’ve been wanting to try, this can be a wonderful moment to explore it. Later, if you’ve been wanting to share a longtime fantasy with your significant other or forge a deeper connection with someone new, you'll have your chance. Recognizing and embracing your desires helps you feel even more confident and self-aware. You might realize that developing your relationship with yourself is just as empowering as taking one-on-one connections to the next level. 




You might want to prioritize one-on-one time with your significant other, your closest friend, or a business partner as the week begins. Not only will you enjoy downtime as a pair, but you can put your heads together to take on projects that seemed daunting as solo endeavors. This can help you get more comfortable with leaning on someone for their support, as well as being a source of support for them. Later, you can pinpoint and then share the future you want to build with someone special, and it can lay the groundwork for an emotionally gratifying road ahead.




Spending time with loved ones is sure to be your priority in the beginning of the week. A jovial, harmonious tone lends itself to kicking back and laughing, no matter what you’re doing together. Later, you’ll have a special opportunity to zero in on a health-related intention you’ve been wanting to make progress on. Formulating a step-by-step action plan comes naturally now. You’ll be fired up to make your first move, which can help you build serious momentum. Also, you’ll do well not to overcommit to plans with loved ones.  




You can look forward to feeling extra self-expressive and ready for spontaneous, pleasurable fun early in the week. You could be inspired to pitch an artistic proposal on the job or hit the road for an impromptu trip. Either way, letting go of any need to have logical, detailed plans in place can benefit you during this fun-loving time. Later, the Universe encourages you to open up about your need to strike out on your own. Talking it through with your partner or a close friend can offer you clarity and help you feel more centered.




Focusing on activities related to beautifying your home and enjoying the company of your nearest and dearest relatives can have you feeling calm and joyful early in the week. You’ll want to put energy toward domestic duties and pleasures even more than your professional or social commitments. Acknowledge that, and know that now is a perfect time to assert your personal needs and find balance. Later, the stage is set for happiness and fortune related to your business endeavors. Take a chance by pitching a project you’ve had your heart set on, and you could enjoy impressive results. 




Though you’re generally a pragmatist, you’ll enjoy a burst of unrelenting optimism when the week begins. You can put this positivity toward whatever industrious plan you’ve had your eye on. If you’re feeling like all your hard work is about to pay off, you’re not wrong, and you’ll do well to lean into that confidence! Later, your curiosity and appetite for learning will be soaring off the charts. Connecting with friends and colleagues through brainstorms or organically animated conversations fuels your spirit and could even inspire future professional moves. However, you might need to set boundaries concerning your time and energy or else risk burnout.




At the beginning of the week, you might feel like something’s holding you back from opening up to your significant other or a loved one. It might serve you well to spend more time processing your emotions on your own. Later, setting a powerful intention related to your financial goals comes naturally. Spend time reflecting on what you want to see come to fruition, whether that’s bringing in new clients, taking on more responsibility, or getting more organized with your portfolio, and then take action. You’ll be surprised by how quickly the combination of clarity and being proactive delivers rewards.




Early in the week, you’ll get a burst of self-assuredness that you can apply to any ongoing or new undertaking. Whether you’ve been wanting to earn more recognition at work or put yourself out there to feel more satisfied romantically, believing in yourself now fuels your success. Later, you’ll get your very own chance to set bold goals for the months ahead. Tune in to your intuition and pinpoint the intentions that truly speak to your soul and feel right in your gut. From there, you’ll be able to take targeted steps toward making your most powerful, heartfelt dreams come to life. 

Category: Arts & Culture