May 21, 2020


MAR 21 - APR 19

Oh, the webs we weave when it comes to love and romance! This week you might find yourself all tangled up in the ones you've created, Aries. A lie of omission that you might have told with the justification that it was to not hurt your sweetheart could come out now. The problem? This little fib might not seem so little to your partner when he or she learns about it. In fact, it might open a Pandora's box that makes your partner begin to question everything he or she thought they knew about your connection. Single? It looks like you're about to confront the lies you've been telling yourself about why you're not partnered up.



APR 20 - MAY 20

If you're single, this isn't the ideal week to begin dating someone new. Venus is retrograde in the area of your chart connected to your self-worth. As a result, it's possible that you're working through something right now connected to believing that you deserve a love life so much more gratifying than anything you've ever had in the past. Adding to the complexity is the fact that Mercury will be at a difficult angle to Neptune on Friday. There could be an expectation of being disappointed in matters of the heart that turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ouch!



MAY 21 - JUN 20

You may not be seeing yourself clearly Gemini, and if you don't, how can you expect anyone else to? It's time to weed through the false narrative you have about yourself so that you can finally stop being the number one barrier to love entering your life. You might have convinced yourself that it's all too easy for someone you've got a crush on to pass you over in favor of someone who is prettier, smarter, more successful, or healthier than you. Take a moment and remember that you are whole and perfect just the way you are -- and that there is someone out there who will love you in all your glory. But first, you must get this through your own head! By Friday's New Moon in your sign, you will.



JUN 21 - JUL 22

The beliefs you have about how love is supposed to be are up for review this week. You might have been taught about love and marriage through cultural or religious views and if so, these ideologies may have been ingrained in you without you ever giving it much thought or consideration on your own. Sometimes we accept what is told to us by people we respect or who have authority without questioning whether or not it holds true for us. This is a time when you might have that moment of realizing that the kind of relationship that worked for your parents or grandparents doesn't necessarily do it for you. And that's OK, Cancer.



JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, a friend is the last person you should take advice from about your love life. Venus continues to retrograde through your social 11th House of Groups, and will square off with Neptune, the planet of illusion and confusion, on Wednesday. Mercury, which is also in your friendship sector, will square Neptune on Friday. At this time, there could be a hidden agenda that your friend has that leaves you completely disheartened. Your friend might be jealous of your current romantic opportunities and is unintentionally trying to sabotage them. Or, he or she might be more interested in gossiping about your love interest than actually getting to know him or her. Be wary, Leo.



AUG 23 - SEP 22

Massive disenchantment about your love life is likely to come your way this week. It looks like your mate is not understanding your professional aspirations these days, and because he or she just doesn't "get it," you're growing increasingly frustrated. Another possibility is that you're tired of your partner not caring at all about your career goals. He or she might have a pattern of showing no curiosity or interest about an area of your life that is extremely important to you. Finally, you realize that it's a problem, Virgo -- and it's time to address it!



SEP 23 - OCT 22

You might throw your hands in the air and give up on love entirely. If you're single, it's possible that you realize just how tiring it has become to expect anyone to check off all the boxes on your ideal partner checklist. It seems that the more you try to aim for perfection in love, the more devastating the results. Now you're ready for a completely different approach, Libra! You aren't closing your heart, but you are closing your mind. The less you overthink it and attempt to micromanage the trajectory of your love life, the more fulfilling it will become. Try it.



OCT 23 - NOV 21

You might realize you've been trying so hard to hide one of your weaknesses from your mate that it has become a real problem in your relationship. Your partner doesn't want to see you as perfect or invincible, but you seem to feel that you need to appear this way in order to be lovable. If you're single, this very thing may have been what's prevented you from finding a real connection. Now is a time to re-evaluate this mindset, Scorpio. Realize that talking about the good, bad, and ugly is what a relationship is all about. Anything less isn't love. It's smoke and mirrors.



NOV 22 - DEC 21

You might wonder why your partner seems to be evasive, disappearing, or otherwise not him or herself. It's possible that you'll learn your mate is feeling depressed about a family situation (possibly connected to the health of a relative) or about mounting bills that he or she can't cover. From your perspective, all of this will seem to come out of nowhere, but the truth is, it's been in front of you all along. You simply chose to turn a blind eye. If single, this isn't the time to date anyone who your family tries to set you up with. Someone's judgement is clouded.



DEC 22 - JAN 19

Conversations with your partner about divvying up chores and other daily responsibilities may fall on deaf ears. It's almost as if one (or both) of you have lost all motivation to keep everything in order. One of you will likely forget to take care of an important errand, and when this happens it'll alert you to the fact that something needs to be addressed. It's time to face the reality of your busy lives and work together to balance everything. If you're single, it's possible that you have an unrealistic crush on one of your doctors or healthcare providers. It's not real, Capricorn -- it's transference.



JAN 20 - FEB 18

You might be questioning everything about love. Venus is retrograde in your romance sector and will be at a difficult angle to nebulous Neptune on Wednesday, which clouds everything even more. You might finally realize that you've been holding on to a love that's not really there. Waiting for someone to be who you want them to be never works, Aquarius. If that's your situation this week, the bubble may burst. In other news, a New Moon in your true love sector on Friday suggests that there is hope for someone new. However, with Venus also retrograde, you can be sure this is a karmic mate.



FEB 19 - MAR 20

Nothing makes sense this week in terms of romance and relationships, so try not to be so hard on yourself if you're feeling especially confused. It's not a time to make any major decision about your love life, so if there is one looming, you might want to put a pin in it. The worst thing you can do is ask a relative for his or her input because whatever they have to say will only add to your mental chaos. However, if you are completely single, a New Moon on Friday might bring the potential for you to meet someone through one of your relatives. Keep your expectations in check, but at the same time, remain open. 

Category: Arts & Culture