December 15, 2016


March 21 – April 19 

This continues to be a time of learning and opportunity for you, and the desire to take a step forward could intensify as the weeks progress. You'll be in a position to use experience as well as new knowledge to explore fresh territory. The Full Moon on December 13 could highlight this desire to travel in a new direction. If you feel you've already gone as far you can go with one plan, it's time to take that leap of faith.



May 21 - Jun 20 

You may be intensely involved in a course or plan that could transform your beliefs and change your way of thinking about the world. A potent aspect might be the reason you feel called to move outside your comfort zone and consider options that are a bit of a stretch but could change your life for the better. This is part of a bigger pattern of change that could set you on a new course with fresh challenges and opportunities.



May 21 - Jun 20 

Your interactions could be the reason you feel inspired to explore new ideas. The current picture is less about the past and more about what you hope to achieve in the future. It's a time to look forward. The Full Moon in your sign on December 13 could intensify emotions and see you responding instinctively to someone's request or a conversation. However, it's best to think before you react to avoid doing or saying anything you might regret later.



Jun 21 - Jul 22 

Your relationship with a certain person may be deepening, but it doesn't seem to be on a romantic level. The present picture suggests a meeting of minds that could cement your bond or at least encourage mutual respect. The person could be influential in encouraging you to take a certain course of action, but don't just take their word for it. Consider if it might work for you before you commit.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

You could be entering a busy period when you need to get certain work completed. This could intensify over the days ahead, so organization will be the key to success. Don't neglect it in favor of other, more appealing activities, as it could stack up and leave you with too little time to complete it. The Full Moon across your leisure axis on December 13 could be a great time for a holiday party or celebration that everyone will enjoy.



Aug 23 - Sep 22 

With the Sun continuing its journey through your domestic sector, you may benefit from time out that allows you to rest and recharge. As the Sun will soon enter your leisure sector, make the most of the coming days to indulge in a little self-care or pampering. Get a holiday hairstyle or relax on the massage table. You may also be working on an idea to revolutionize your financial situation. Take your time to research this. It could make a real difference.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

With Jupiter in your sign linking with Uranus and Saturn, your relationships can be a source of new ideas that change your life in some way. A feeling that something needs to give may be a call to explore a new relationship that ends up being very productive for both of you. It may not be romantic, although it could be. There is a suggestion that you could go into business together and be quite successful at whatever you do.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

If you've been looking for the perfect job, one that allows you to earn a good income while giving you the freedom to be your own boss, you may be about to discover it. Over the coming weeks, research your options and create a plan. Approaching this in a practical, step-by-step way could be rewarding and lucrative. The Full Moon in your finance sector could see you splurging on items to make you feel good even if you don't really need them.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

With the Sun changing signs next week, the coming days could see you putting your personal stamp on plans that have special resonance for you. You do seem to be heavily invested in the idea of a complete change, which could include a move. This may be connected to a job or career change that you're seriously considering. At this stage, though, it's best not to hurry it along. Take a practical, down-to-earth approach to such matters



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

As Mercury moves closer to Pluto in your sign, you may be looking for a way to bend an opportunity to your advantage. Is it really worth doing so? You may find that angling for a certain outcome and doing all you can to obtain it is quite stressful. It might be better to give it your best shot and let the whole thing go. On another note, this is an excellent time to release any emotional baggage that is holding you back.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

You may be making more of an issue than is necessary, particularly if you haven't spoken to anyone about it and it is weighing heavily on your mind. Over the coming days, consider chatting with someone you can trust, as this could leave you feeling much better. You may find that what was bothering you isn't such a big deal after all. There's also a Full Moon across your leisure axis on December 13 that could coincide with a sizzling encounter.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

The move of Venus into your spiritual zone might see you taking time to help those who need extra care. Taking part in a charity event or involving yourself with visits to the elderly or infirm could be very rewarding for you. Even so, another side of you may be quite ambitious and eager to get ahead, and this is the perfect time to do so. Whatever you're planning, don't wait until next year to make your move. The time is now! 

Category: Arts & Culture