June 30, 2016 


March 21 – April 19 

This could turn out to be a week in which feelings play a big part. Early on, a delightful Venus/Neptune connection could be great for channeling your imagination into creative pursuits. It can be equally positive for a special date with a loved one. Midweek, your ruler Mars pushes forward in passionate Scorpio, so issues associated with shared finances could show improvement as a result. The weekend looks like a lot of fun, with a chance that a dream may come true.



May 21 - Jun 20 

Your social life looks very upbeat and interesting in the days ahead. With both Venus and the Sun linking to dreamy Neptune, you could find yourself feeling idealistic. However, if you're out and about with friends or looking for a date, remember that all that glitters is not necessarily gold. Conversely, someone you initially mistrust could become a supportive friend over the long term. And with Mars pushing forward, a relationship that seemed stalled could show signs of improvement..



May 21 - Jun 20 

This week's blend of energies tied to selfless Neptune could see you helping others even if you have to sacrifice your time and resources. Present influences could also enhance your prospects regarding career and finances, particularly if you're willing to give shape to your dreams. And with Mars pushing forward in your lifestyle sector, plans and projects that may have appeared blocked can soon get underway. To make the best of the week ahead, have a plan and stay grounded



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

You could be swept away in a haze of dreams and fantasies as a yearning to expand your horizons or explore far-flung places takes hold. The only things that could stop you from floating away completely are your responsibilities. With Saturn making an edgy link to Neptune, it seems that you'll have little opportunity to go with the flow. This won't stop you from imagining what might be, which could lead to plans for a vacation or a workshop with a mentor.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in a more private sector of your chart, encouraging you to work from behind the scenes. While this is unlike your usual style, you might enjoy the chance to stay out of the limelight and recharge your batteries. You may also find that keeping a dream diary or connecting to your deeper feelings is a revelation. Mars pushes forward in your domestic sector midweek, which could mean that a family issue now gets resolved.



 Aug 23 - Sep 22 

Jupiter's ongoing positive link to Pluto in your sector of creativity means that this is one of the best times to showcase a skill or chat to someone with influence about a project of yours. If you persevere, big things could come your way as a result. Meanwhile, if you're out and about with friends, you may find yourself drawn to helping with a charity bash or volunteering your time in other ways, either of which you should enjoy.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

A touch of realism wouldn't go amiss this week, particularly when it comes to creating a business plan or discussing a key issue. While it's great to have an all-encompassing vision, you'll be likelier to succeed if you can show that you've done your homework and have a grasp of the facts. Meanwhile, with Mars pushing forward midweek, money matters may begin to improve. You might find that your cash flow starts to look healthier and certain relationships become more settled as a result.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

You may be prompted to volunteer your services out of the kindness of your heart. This week's selfless blend of energies could see you at the center of activities linked to charity or community drives to help vulnerable people. On another note, moving outside your comfort zone can bring creative ideas into the mix that you might find useful for an art or craft project. And with Mars pushing forward in your sign, vitality and motivation can begin to increase.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in your sector of shared resources, which could see you looking for ways to make your money work harder for you. When it comes to investing, it might be wise to get some sound advice, as links to Neptune suggest one scheme may not be all it seems. From midweek, action planet Mars pushes forward in your karmic sector, which might enable you to find closure regarding an uncomfortable issue.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

With Jupiter's ongoing connection to Pluto in your sign, you could find yourself powerfully motivated to leave your comfort zone and make a bold move. There's a good chance that you've been preparing for this for some time, in which case you should go for it. On another note, a more ethereal blend of energies suggests that the people around you may not be entirely reliable in the days ahead. If you want something done, you might be better off doing it yourself.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

While an idea proffered by someone may seem good in theory, it may not be so in practice. With Venus and the Sun linking to Neptune your personal financial sector, be very careful about getting involved in get-rich-quick schemes, as you could lose more money than you stand to gain. If you're attracted by an idea, don't sign until you've read the fine print. Meanwhile, with Mars pushing forward midweek, things could look a lot more promising on the career front.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

This may be a week in which romantic or creative dreams reign supreme. With Venus and the Sun aligning with Neptune in Pisces, your imagination could offer up some very rich pickings. However, if you want to make the most of a brilliant idea, you might need to take a leaf out of Virgo or Capricorn's book. With an ongoing practical yet powerful Jupiter/Pluto link, getting some advice from down-to-earth friends could bring your dream to life. 

Category: Arts & Culture