March 31, 2016



March 21-April 19 

You'll truly be in your element this week, and perhaps a tad impulsive, too. If you want to get your work completed in a timely manner, you'll need to concentrate, and this could be easier said than done. You may be distracted by new ideas, opportunities, knowledge, or the Internet. However, you'd be better off tackling your responsibilities than pushing them to one side, simply because other people are relying on you and your image could suffer if you don't. 



April 20-May 20 

You'll need to make up your mind whether you want something or you don't. Powerful influences showing up at this time could see you hesitating, which may prove fatal. If you're at all uncertain, let your instincts be your guide. However, trusting your intuition may not be as easy as it should be. In that case, confiding in a trusted friend may be your best alternative. He or she might be able to spot certain flaws or special benefits that you've missed. 



May 21-June 20 

There's a very sociable quality to the week ahead, with plenty of opportunities for mixing and mingling. And you might find yourself involved in both formal and informal events. Even so, your connections with others should be charged with a lot of energy, encouraging you to swap business ideas, make bold plans, or perhaps enjoy a little romance. On the home front, entertaining can be fun, though it helps to choose your guests wisely. 



June 21-July 22 

How will you know if you're making the right decision this week? It's possible you may not! It's said that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Bearing that in mind, you'll need to get involved personally before you can make an informed decision. Even so, there's a tendency right now to mistrust your instincts. If this is true, the next best thing is to look at the results you're getting. If they're all you hoped for, then you're good to go.



July 23-August 22 

You may be enthralled by all kinds of adventures and opportunities. Even so, try not to get too carried away. With Mars in Aries and your zone of travel and exploration, sticking to one plan or idea may not be easy because boredom could set in fairly quickly. However, if you're to get anywhere at all, you'll need to make a decision and abide by it. Perhaps you may not be so tempted to jump ship if you involve others in your plans.



August 23-September 22 

This could be a time of plain speaking, when you're unlikely to beat around the bush. This week's energies could see you being a little bit harsh with someone, particularly if you feel you've been wronged in any way. Nevertheless, the more sensitive qualities of Venus and Neptune in Pisces enable you to put yourself in their shoes, if you're willing. If you can do this, you'll understand why they did what they did and what your next move should be. 



September 23-October 22 

This can be an exciting time for your relationships, with new ideas and opportunities helping to enhance your bond. There will be a lot to talk about in the days ahead, and some of it could be a bit uncomfortable, particularly midweek. It's important that you stand your ground. Don't feel you have to cooperate if you don't want to. However, you also have a great opportunity to clear the air and rewrite the script concerning your connection with a significant other.



October 23-November 21 

Money matters may not have been easy for some time, particularly with Saturn encouraging you to be more responsible for your finances. You may have found it necessary to cut back and recycle certain items rather than buy new. Nevertheless, this week brings opportunities for more work, whether temporary or long-term. An offer that comes out of the blue could be the answer to a prayer and provide much-needed cash. Ideas for enhancing your income could also show up. 



November 22-December 21 

It may be difficult to stay on track regarding your commitments, particularly when there's so much to do and so many places to go. You could be lured by adventure or perhaps the thrill of a new romance or an opportunity to go to a place you've long wanted to visit. However, it is possible to fulfill your responsibilities and enjoy yourself if you're prepared to think outside the box. Also, you may be doing more than your fair share of work at home. 



December 22-January 19 

You may find it difficult to reconcile your hopes and plans with those of family members. While you may have opted to let them have their way, a part you could feel a bit resentful. The coming days and weeks can be excellent for letting go of emotional baggage that might prevent you from getting the most out of a heartfelt talk. If you need to discuss matters with a trusted friend first, it might give you a fresh perspective on your issues. 



January 20-February 18 

Collaborating on plans and projects can give you a great feeling of being part of a team, and that's something you find very exciting. There's plenty going on this week that you'll want to be involved in. However, if you're discussing sensitive issues, it helps to tread with care. Aside from this, you can make plenty of progress this week so long as you're willing to cooperate. But this could be an issue, as harmonizing viewpoints may not be an easy process.



February 19-March 20 

You're geared up to make progress now and in the weeks ahead. And even though Saturn is currently retrograde at the top of your chart, your ambitious side is very much in the fore. Although your best-laid plans may be delayed, don't put them off altogether. Spurred on by Mars, this is the time to explore new possibilities and make those vital connections that could help you achieve your dream. Your finances could improve if you make the right moves. 

Category: Arts & Culture