March 03, 2016 


March 21 – April 19 

The Sun in Pisces indicates that taking time out to resolve emotional issues and release any attendant baggage could be very helpful. Use this opportunity to dive deep and find out where the problem really lies. You'll come away with more energy and joie de vivre by doing so. Watch out for conflicts around Friday. Avoid being too blunt, as you may come to regret your approach later. Even so, you could find it hard to hold back once Mars moves into Sagittarius on Saturday. 



May 21 - Jun 20 

The week's start could be quite businesslike, particularly when discussing career issues, going for job interviews, or initiating new projects. Tread with care, as not everyone will hold your same viewpoints. Sensitively research their ideas before you hold any important talks and you'll make a good impression. Mercury's move into Pisces over the weekend adds a little extra sparkle to your social life, while Mars in your zone of shared resources encourages you to get finances on the straight and narrow. 



May 21 - Jun 20 

The Sun's presence in your career sector encourages you to take stock, particularly if you've held back from doing so. You may be pushed into making a decision later this week, and you'll need to have the right information on hand. However, you might find your thoughts begin to come together more easily as Mercury enters your zone of goals and ambitions on Saturday. Everything should fall into place if you can hold off until then or even the following week. 



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

It's best to approach certain issues with patience even though your instinct may be to hurry. You'll benefit from tackling financial matters slowly and efficiently, particularly if you're looking for funds to start a project or business. Greet the inevitable delays with humor and everything will gradually sort itself out. You may feel more motivated to try new diet or exercise routines when Mars enters Sagittarius on Saturday. Go for it. You'll get off to the best possible start 



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

Mars moves out of your home zone and into your sector of leisure and pleasure on Saturday. However, before that an issue regarding family and home matters that you've been working on could flare up once more. This is your opportunity to look at it squarely and resolve it once and for all. If you can do this, you'll find that you have more energy to put into creative and fun activities. Starting Saturday, you'll benefit from finding ways to save money. 



 Aug 23 - Sep 22 

Try to avoid conflict wherever possible this week. Tuesday's Quarter Moon could spotlight family issues between you and your partner. If you can find a compromise, it will be so much easier. The same goes for any other issue that flares up later in the week. You may find it easier to put words to feelings once Mercury glides into Pisces on Saturday, making this a great time for a heart-to-heart chat. You'll also be ready to remove clutter, particularly starting Saturday 



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

The early part of the week could see you being practical and down to earth regarding a project and benefiting because of it. But certain parts of the week could prove problematic if you aren't willing to compromise. While you're usually the soul of tact and discretion, you might want to strengthen your position by letting someone know that you're not one to be pushed around. It's all to the good! And you may find this so liberating that you'll decide to keep it up 



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Leisure and pleasure options continue to draw you in, encouraging you to explore your skills and talents and showcase them in the best way possible. Even so, issues of self-worth could affect your confidence unless you can nip them in the bud. There's a chance you could impress someone who wants to engage your services, so don't hold back. Later, when Mars dances into Sagittarius, you'll find that moving outside your comfort zone could enhance your income. 



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

Mars moves through the last degrees of your psychological sector, so you may find that an emotional issue that's been bugging you for some time flares up in the coming days. This could encourage you to tackle and release it once and for all. If you're truly indifferent to it, you'll have passed the test. If not, don't worry. Just continue with your work of spiritual housecleaning and it will go. You'll feel a lot more energized and revitalized once Mars enters your sign on Saturday 



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

Saturn's tie with Venus on Monday suggests that a wise investment could benefit you in subtle ways, perhaps by boosting your confidence and providing you with information that enhances your understanding of yourself. Indeed, hiring a life coach is one possibility, as one could give you exactly what you need to overcome any blocks and forge ahead. You might have an almost telepathic connection with a certain person, which could prove very revealing this week. 



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

You might need to work through a few issues before you can make the kind of progress you envision. However, any conflicts you encounter could be due to a desire for greater freedom. Nevertheless, if you've made a promise to someone, you should try to keep it even if doing so proves a bit difficult or uncomfortable. You'll feel better for making the effort and the person in question will be pleased. Your social life can begin to sparkle once Mars dances into Sagittarius on Saturday. 



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

The Sun in your sign currently bestows greater vitality and energy on you. Even so, unless you're deeply interested in or passionate about something, you may find it difficult to get going. This week, work on those projects and ideas that mean the most to you. This doesn't mean you should forget about your responsibilities. You should do your utmost to fulfill them. But when you have time, working on your pet projects can be deeply rewarding, not only now but also in the future. 

Category: Arts & Culture