October 02, 2014


Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19


A key relationship could get even cozier as Venus glides into Libra. If you need to negotiate a deal or be extra diplomatic, you'll find it easier to be so. Lucky opportunities may show up, too, so keep your eyes peeled. However, the weekend needs a little more care, as you could have a difference of opinion with someone in authority. Mercury rewinds, too, bringing potential delays. Plus, if you're going on a long journey, it would help to expect the unexpected.




Taurus Apr 20 – May 20


The tendency to want to indulge could get stronger this week, particularly as Venus glides into your zone of health and wellness. Though you know you should eat wholesome food, it might be difficult to keep up the habit. In addition, you may need to be very diplomatic with someone who is treading on your toes, though how long you can keep this up is another matter. Mercury turns retrograde in your relationship sector, which could help you get to the heart of any tricky issues.




Gemini May 21 - Jun 20


The cosmos has arranged the perfect sky for you to reach an important goal and claim the success you deserve. Be on the lookout for an offer that could make a positive difference to your plans. Plus, you're in the perfect situation to close deals and negotiate opportunities. However, Mercury will begin its retrograde phase over the weekend, which means certain interactions may be open to unexpected changes. But a lively link hints that a social event may be full of surprises.




Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22


Career opportunities and financial affairs may perk up early in the week, so keep an eye out for an unexpected yet very welcome offer. Matters on the home front seem pleasantly relaxed, too, as Venus dances into Libra. You may feel motivated to do more entertaining or invite guests to stay and enjoy your cozy comforts. However, don't rock the boat over the weekend, as someone's response may be less than pleasant. An unexpected chance to grab a new job or contract could be yours this weekend.




Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22


Regarding new ideas and enterprising opportunities, you may be able to cherry-pick one or two special ones this week. The willingness to take a risk could pay off, especially if you're starting a business or expanding one you already have. You have what it takes to make the best of any situation and turn it to your advantage. However, Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday, which could complicate matters at home, particularly if you're thinking about buying, selling, or remodeling your place.




Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22


You may be tempted to splurge on one or two luxuries when Venus sashays into your money zone on Monday. However, you're likely to be generous with family and loved ones, too, especially with presents that you know they'll adore. Your mind should be sharp and incisive with Mercury in Scorpio and your communication sector - perfectly positioned for resolving the problems and mysteries of life. Go easy from Saturday, however, as Mercury enters its retrograde phase, which could scuttle urgent plans.




Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22


The move of Venus into Libra could set you thinking about your image and getting a makeover. If you feel a little stuck in a rut in this area, some words with a savvy pal could result in you getting a new haircut or clothes. However, go easy where finances are concerned this week, as Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday. It helps to keep receipts, especially for major purchases, as there's more than a passing chance that you'll need to get a refund.




Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21


You're in a natural phase when it helps to relax and recharge. This week Venus joins the Sun in your spiritual sector, enticing you to involve yourself in activities that nurture your inner longings and desires. Mercury rewinds in your sign at the same time and will be retrograde for the next three weeks. Although this can be a sign of delay, it often brings opportunities to resolve tricky issues. Plus, an offer you can't resist may come your way this weekend.




Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21


Will romance happen out of the blue? This week's alignment hints that it might. If you're seeking a love adventure, hang on to your hat because a sizzling experience may be coming your way. Meanwhile, your social life heats up as Venus sashays into Libra, enhancing your chance of fun get-togethers, parties, and celebrations. Mercury's retrograde phase, starting this weekend, takes place in your spiritual sector. It might entice you to meditate and improve your relationship with yourself. Watch your dreams, too!




Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19


You may hear about unexpected moneymaking opportunities, and you could have success with various negotiations, too. The week ahead spotlights career issues and the value of mixing with folks who may be able to help your cause. Mercury's move into your social sector should enhance your options here, but because it retrogrades starting Saturday, you might hit a wall if you're trying to arrange an evening out. A little ingenuity could save the occasion. It pays to listen to an intuitive hunch, too!




Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18


A lucky connection or contact could be something to smile about at the start of the week, especially as it might involve a top-notch deal. Relationships seem very positive and generally upbeat, especially as Venus glides into Libra to oil the wheels of commerce. This week might contain other surprises, too, as the people you connect with seem to have your best interests at heart. Mercury's retrograde phase could temporarily stall a plan, but in this case a delay could work in your favor.




Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20


Work and career opportunities continue to look positive, so much so that you may be tempted to make a bold move. If an offer comes your way, this isn't the time to dither - it might not be around long. Your best bet is to run with it and learn as you go. You might be tempted to splurge on luxuries or invest in art or beautiful items just for the sake of having lovely things around you. If traveling, expect one or two delays.


Category: Arts & Culture