December 5,  2013



Your interest in cultural activities powers up early in the week, so see if you can scout out a new gallery or find a concert that sounds appealing -- you're always looking out for new stuff! The bulk of the week is taken up with hard work -- but it's stuff you're confident you can do, and you should be able to take care of it all, no matter how hopeless it seems at first. Spend the weekend with people who agree with you on the big issues -- you don't have the time or patience for major arguments!



Your easy charm works magic on people on Monday and Tuesday -- especially those who are visiting your home, city or country for the first time. Show them how sweet your people can be! A spiritual person shows you what's what midweek, and while you may be dubious at first, you can sense that they have a real connection with you on a deep level, so keep listening (but don't do anything crazy). You're irritated by someone who keeps pushing your buttons this weekend -- most likely a family member or someone younger than you. Try to avoid them when it's at its worst.



Your closest personal relationships get very interesting this week. You should find yourself focused on one person early on, though you may want to reach out to others in your life if you have the time. From Wednesday through Friday, you may chafe under the authority of someone who used to be an equal, which could leave you thinking twice about your commitment to them. If you have your doubts, expect someone new and exciting to pop into your life this weekend, which should make the transition even likelier if it's what you really want.



You have a slightly harder time fitting into your social life than usual today, though that doesn't mean you should just cloister yourself away! Try to just apply yourself as well as you can on Monday and Tuesday, though you can feel a blockage in energy that you know is short-lived. You need to deal with the conflict between your inner live and outer life midweek, and should find an easy out that is lasting. Your emotional side causes problems this weekend, but only for those among your friends and family who are more aloof or reserved.



You begin the week feeling fantastic and ready to explore your surroundings, especially if there's something new about them. Travel and change are far more exciting than usual for you! You may feel obligated to help someone on Wednesday, and if so, expect it to stretch out far longer than you had anticipated. Still, you do earn far more karma points than usual. The weekend is a good time to let go of something or someone you have been holding onto too tightly -- you are amazed at how easy it is!



You're the responsible one as the week begins, keeping yourself focused and on track even as your friends and family seem obsessed with spring fever. Just keep hammering away at your work and you'll have more time later. Wednesday through Friday open you up creatively, and it's easier than ever for you to express yourself in new ways. Someone really likes what they see or hear! Mix things up a little this weekend, if only to show your people that you don't have to do everything in the same way all the time.



Your brainy energy is the perfect antidote to any bad mood your friends are having early this week -- share your quirky ideas with them and watch their faces light up! It's also a good time to apply yourself to real-life problems. Your nostalgia takes a slightly darker turn through Friday, and you may want to focus on the present to avoid thinking too much about the past. Life gets a lot sweeter this weekend, as nearly everyone in your social circle seems willing to get along well for the sake of the group as a whole.



Big ideas are having a greater influence on you than usual on Monday and Tuesday -- even stuff that seems totally unrelated to your recent obsession goes through the filter, with interesting results. Your social energy is almost perfectly harmonious in the middle of the week, and you enjoy most of the time you spend with friends and family to an unprecedented degree. Things do get weird this weekend, thanks to some recent changes and the resulting resistance -- outbursts are the norm for a bit longer.



You're full of surprises as the week begins, showing everyone why they love you so much with your jokes, gifts and games. Keep it up and see what happens next! Try to keep your wallet at home from Wednesday through Thursday and use other tricks to keep yourself from spending more than you can afford. Impulse buys are all too likely if you can't restrain yourself. You make a solid impression on at least one person you meet this weekend, and that could lead from anything from romance to artistic collaboration.



It's vital that you keep yourself on track on Monday and Tuesday -- there are distractions aplenty, and if you don't maintain some semblance of discipline, you can expect to have to make up for lost time later on. If you pull it off, you should get recognition right away, and your good energy lasts through the end of the week. You can accomplish even more than you had hoped! The weekend might get a bit tricky, though, thanks to unexpected circumstances that interfere with even the best-laid plans.



It's your job to marshal the forces and get them moving on Monday and Tuesday, even if you don't feel all that organized yourself! Sweet if you can get your friends or family to pitch in. Discipline is the keyword for the middle part of the week, as you end up spinning your wheels, getting nowhere if you can't force yourself to stick with the program. Trick yourself into following orders! You need to get yourself focused on something bigger than yourself this weekend, and it's easy and fun to do so!



Don't worry too much if things seem to be working against you early this week -- you can rely on a little shot of luck just when you need it most! That doesn't mean you can get away with slacking off, though. Your input is vital to help your coworkers or friends figure out a plan starting Wednesday, and you may have to assume a leadership role temporarily to ensure the right decision is made. Your brain feels like a hamster wheel this weekend, and you might just have to let it wear itself out so you can get some rest.

Category: Arts & Culture