
December 14, 2017


March 21 – April 19

Your focus continues to be on exploring new opportunities and making fresh discoveries. As chatty Mercury conjoins the sun, this can also be a chance to examine an offer that comes your way again. By looking at it with fresh eyes, you may find reasons to want to explore it further. There might also be some unexpected encounters coming your way that are like a breath of fresh air. Finally, the new moon on December 17 encourages you to step out confidently.



May 21 - Jun 20

The deeper issues of life could continue to be on your mind and encourage conversations with those who can act as trusted advisers or confidants. There may be changes that you’re eager to see happen, yet as lively Mercury continues its retrograde phase, you might need to take stock, especially when it ties with the sun on Tuesday. And while your social life shows great promise, you might be drawn to reflect and act on issues that will take your life forward.



May 21 - Jun 20

With your sector of relating continuing in focus, the coming week could see you networking and perhaps reviewing ideas, projects, or even decisions. When energizing Mercury, now retrograde, aligns with lovely Venus, you might need to unpick a promise or contract that requires adjustment due to recent events. On Saturday, it might be just as well to expect the unexpected, as an invitation could lead to a sizzling encounter. The new moon on Sunday can encourage you to explore this further.



Jun 21 - Jul 22

Issues associated with your job and wellness matters continue to dominate. And with Mercury spinning backward until December 22, it pays to be watchful, especially if dealing with important documents. Jupiter is happily ensconced in your leisure sector for the coming months, so all kinds of activities get a boost. Long-term relationships and new romance can see the flame of love glowing brightly, helped along by feisty Mars. The weekend’s new moon could encourage you to reject bad habits and adopt healthier ones.



Jul 23 - Aug 22

The love bug may continue to keep you enthralled with the planetary setup highlighting dating opportunities. You might feel a need to make a decision on Friday, as lively Mercury meets with lovely Venus. If so, consider leaving things as they are for now, as your outlook could change over coming weeks. With both flamboyant Jupiter and dynamic Mars in your home zone, you might be ready for a holiday get-together. The new moon on Sunday suggests a new creative project could beckon.



Aug 23-Sep 22

While the holiday mood sparkles, there continues to be activity at home that may involve important discussions. You might need to reconsider a decision that involves other family members. With tactful Venus involved, you could find that others respond favorably to any changes. This can also be a time of reunions. It feels good to reconnect with those who you haven’t seen in while. A lively connection between the sun and electric Uranus can see you benefiting from an unexpected gift.



Sep 23 - Oct 22

Be sure to give yourself plenty of time if you have deadlines to meet. The reason is that it’s best not to leave everything until the last minute as long as talkative Mercury is still retrograde. There’s good news on Friday, though, as Mercury conjoins Venus, which could see you connecting with a person who reminds you of someone from your past. Because of this, you may get on exceptionally well. Sunday’s new moon could coincide with a golden opportunity. Will you grab it?



Oct 23 - Nov 21

The focus on your personal financial zone continues. The sun here combines with chatty retrograde Mercury and encourages you to take stock of your situation and see what you can do to improve it. Mercury continues to spin backward until December 22, so go easy when purchasing big-ticket items. If you have no option but to buy them, keep receipts and paperwork. The good news is that with upbeat Jupiter continuing in your sign, some spectacular opportunities could come your way.



Nov 22 - Dec 21

This is a great time to attend to personal goals and interests. Don’t rush any decisions, though, as with Mercury continuing its retrograde phase, changes may need to be made anyway. You might do better to research your options in the meantime. You may also want to look into an idea that you rejected but that now seems very appealing. Indeed, as the sun and diplomatic Venus combine with communicative Mercury, discussing this with others can help you decide whether to go ahead or not.



Dec 22 - Jan 19

You may still have a desire to take time out to reflect and recharge. If this is the case, you’re on track, because a continued focus on your spiritual sector encourages this. And with Mercury spinning backward, this can also be the perfect time to resolve issues that may have dragged on for some time. A new moon on Sunday could encourage you to take up a practice such as meditation that can help you relax deeply and encourage peace of mind.



Jan 20 - Feb 18

Your social sector continues to look upbeat, encouraging you to make a few changes and consider moving in new circles. And with Mercury retrograde, you might also find that old friends come back into the fold, bringing a chance to carry on where you left off. However, with a very potent focus on your career zone involving expansive Jupiter and dynamic Mars, things are certainly looking up in this area. Meanwhile, Sunday’s new moon encourages you to move in new social circles.



Feb 19 - Mar 20

There’s a lot of activity in your goal sector that can indicate a time of goal setting, whether it’s related to your career or a personal ambition. With Mercury presently retrograde, hold off signing contracts or committing to major deals if possible. If you can’t, you could find that changes occur that alter the original terms and conditions considerably. There are times, though, when this can work in your favor. Sunday’s new moon could inspire you to take the first step toward a personal ambition.

Category: Arts & Culture