
August 17, 2017

Aries March 21 - April 19 

As the week begins, you may feel it necessary to manipulate a situation to get your desired outcome. But do you really need to do this? With other dynamic influences showing up involving feisty Mars, your guide planet, you have more than enough charisma and energy to steer your life in the direction you want it to go. It might be better to state your intentions openly, as this can help to clear the air and get things moving in the right direction.


Taurus April 20 - May 20 

It’s all happening on the home front this week, with potent energies encouraging you to come to grips with those tasks that you may have been putting off for some time. New reservoirs of energy could see you tackling DIY jobs, clearing out clutter, and generally getting things shipshape. Regarding one relationship, it might be better to keep an open mind and give this person the leeway to make their own mistakes. If you attempt to interfere, they may resent it.


Gemini May 21 - June 20 

A dynamic and expansive blend of energies could encourage you to take up a challenge that may be bit of a stretch. But if it feels right, go for it. If someone tries to tell you that you don’t have what it takes, ignore them. A focus on your sector of communication suggests that you can get all the advice you need by asking for it. Even so, with studious Mercury now in its retrograde phase, it would be wise to check your sources.


Cancer June 21 - July 22 

Earning and spending money may be very much on your mind. It could leave you feeling good if you’re making progress with both. However, if your financial situation isn’t quite what you’d like, the presence of feisty Mars and the luminous Sun in your cash-flow zone could encourage you to take stock and do whatever is necessary to improve your situation. One thing you might want to avoid is impulsive spending. But careful research could net you a bargain.


Leo July 23 - August 22 

Your confidence and courage could soar this week, with a potent blend of energies in your sign encouraging you to focus on the activities that are most meaningful to you. If you have a gift for organization and management, the coming days could find you running a key event and encouraging others to get involved. You might also benefit from a chance to relax and reflect on life, as doing so can enable you to intuit which changes most need to be made.


Virgo August 23 - September 22 

With stirring Mars in a secluded sector of your chart, you may be more focused on your thoughts and feelings. This can be an opportunity to let go of issues that no longer serve you and release emotions generated by past experiences. However, to speed things along, you may find that with chatty Mercury in your sign it can be beneficial to talk matters over with those involved, as doing so can bring things to a close more swiftly.


Libra September 23 - October 22 

The coming week or so can be a tremendous time for networking and enjoying your social life. You may be busier than usual in this regard, but you can have a lot of fun at the same time. This may be an especially positive opportunity if you’re looking for love or want to rekindle the flame of romance in your present relationship. When it comes to more career-oriented matters, your family could try to manipulate you into making a certain decision. Don’t let them!


Scorpio October 23 - November 21 

You should show off your skills and abilities and let the world know what you can do. Take a leaf out of Leo’s book and enjoy promoting your goods and services. This can be an excellent time to make progress. The more you enjoy being in the spotlight, the more you can take advantage of the many opportunities that come your way. This isn’t a time to work behind the scenes. Instead, be very involved, especially with those who can help you progress.


Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 

Far horizons may beckon, but you don’t want to explore them alone. You prefer to enjoy the experience with your friends. You can be quite determined when it comes to exploring new territory and uncovering any opportunities or challenges that can open other doors for you. You might feel quite possessive about someone or something, and this could mar your enjoyment over the coming days unless you can let go. When it comes to making a career decision, bide your time for now.


Capricorn December 22 - January 19 

With some very stirring energies right now, the coming week or so could encourage you to make a radical decision. The subject of change may have been particularly lively recently, and this week this focus continues. When it comes to making choices, it helps to understand your true motives. What do you really want? If you can answer that with total honesty, you could create the life of your dreams, but you’ll need to let go of certain situations first.


Aquarius January 20 - February 18 

This can be an opportunity to clear the air and release any tension that may have built up between you and another. With feisty Mars in your sector of relating, people in your life may have seemed less willing to compromise lately. But if you can point out the benefits to them, they may be more willing to meet you halfway. Certain relationships could experience change, particularly if you discuss aspects of your bond that, if worked at, might make a positive difference.


Pisces February 19 - March 20 

If you’re eager to change your diet or exercise routine, there is a possibility that you could aim too high. With feisty Mars linking to expansive Jupiter, you may run ahead of yourself. To avoid doing so, consider using the services of a personal trainer or coach who can guide you through the process in a way that allows you to make steady progress. Finally, you could have an admirer, but you’ll need to let the person know if you don’t want the attention. 

Category: Arts & Culture