
May 18, 2017 


March 21 – April 19 

You may breathe a sigh of relief this week as tensions begin to ease and you start to feel more relaxed. And with communication planet Mercury moving into the practical sign of Taurus, this can be a time for planning ahead and doing the groundwork when it comes to new projects. In addition, you'll be willing to think outside the box and embrace new ideas in a very down-to-earth way. Studying and networking could also be important.



May 21 - Jun 20 

As Mercury, the planet of talk and thought, eases into your sign, you might want to share ideas that you've been mulling over recently. You're very much in your element at this time, and this week could be an opportunity to take steps to fulfill one of your heart's desires. It may not happen overnight, but bit by bit you'll get there. Friday night can be perfect for a sizzling date, while the weekend could see you enjoying a little retail therapy.



May 21 - Jun 20 

As your personal planet Mercury heads into a secluded sector of your chart, you may find that you're naturally more connected with your feelings. This week and over the coming weeks it may become easier to discuss issues that you've so far kept to yourself. In addition, letting go of any situations that no longer serve you can also leave you feeling quite liberated. As the Sun enters you sign this weekend, mixing and mingling can be rewarding and uplifting.



Jun 21 - Jul 22 

Your social life gets a boost, which could encourage you out and about. If a new club or dating website beckons, this might be the time you go for it. There may also be a new opportunity associated with your work that looks promising. Although this may just be a stage in the overall process, you'll feel like you're making solid progress. The Sun's move into your spiritual zone later in the week could encourage you to enjoy more quiet time.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

Although the Sun's presence in your career zone puts you in the spotlight, you might enjoy the chance to make a big splash. This is your chance to show off your skills and let others know what you can do. Mercury also enters this sector, so you might be eager to give a presentation that can augment your image. Once the Sun moves into your social sector this weekend, the idea of relaxing with friends or enjoying community events could appeal greatly.



Aug 23 - Sep 22 

As Mercury moves into your sector of travel, you may become curious about exploring countries or cultures you've never encountered before. The coming weeks might see you booking a trip or vacation to a place that can provide sensual delights, heady experiences, and plenty to explore. You may also have an chance to make some positive changes on the home front because of a brilliant idea. It could save you a lot of work if you put it into action.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

You might be very aware of subtle undercurrents that could be influencing a relationship or important situation. And these insights might help make a difference in a matter that has been niggling at you for some time. In addition, you may also be thrilled by a relationship that seems to offer something different. This person could be a breath of fresh air in your life, enabling you to see key issues from a fresh perspective that's very liberating.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Mercury eases into your sector of relationships to encourage more conversation and interaction. Gauging other people's reactions before you make key decisions can be crucial if everything is to work to plan. Also, other factors could bring up ideas that have an impact on your income and moneymaking ability. If you've experienced some difficulty in this area recently, a key blend of energies could coincide with a job offer or business proposal that is very good for you. 



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

With a focus on your lifestyle sector, you may be curious about how you can make better use of your time in order to accomplish more. The coming week could encourage you to take a closer look at your routines and daily activities and streamline them in order to give yourself more leeway. In addition, you could find that a new hobby, sport, or creative activity has a liberating effect on you, bringing friendships your way that may be very welcome.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

While you may be very busy with your job or responsibilities, a focus on your leisure sector could entice you to explore hobbies that you might relish. And even though you may have a lot of your plate, the opportunity to relax and do something you enjoy might be too tempting to resist. Improvement could show up concerning a family or domestic matter, and it may be due to a brilliant idea. Although it might require patience, it's worth following through.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

This week and the coming weeks could see you getting organized at home by clearing out closets, tackling chores, and making sure that everything you keep has a home. You might be able to earn extra money by selling items you no longer need. Another key aspect suggests that if you're willing to cooperate with a friend or group, something unique may be achieved. A blend of new information and tried and trusted techniques could pave the way to success.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

As Mercury enters your sector of communication, this can be a good time to take a class that enables you to learn a new skill. It's also a great opportunity to reach out and make some vital connections that can bring new offers, deals, and contracts your way. At the same time, you might be able to increase your income if you act on an idea. It could be a game changer for you. Someone in authority may welcome your genius!

Category: Arts & Culture